Monday, November 17, 2008


I suppose tonight is as good a night as any to finally and officially start the blog that is arrival gate. My accomplice and I had originally planned to launch it a month ago today (on leeann's birthday) and a month ago yesterday (on my birthday), but rusty blogging and/or writing skills and uninteresting but busy lives prevented us from doing so. Here we are a month later... and technically the blog has already launched, but leeann has written a whole half a sentence that's not visible to the public, and I've written about a paragraph worth of scribbles that's probably hiding in one of my various notebooks. Not a very impressive site until now, the day that writing is finally available for reading. You have arrived at a site that has been at least several years in the making, where hopefully you will find high-quality writing and some interesting, if not quality, thoughts. I will guarantee that much. Thank you for visiting and enjoy!

On a personal note, I have decided to retire a la deriva, which has been my faithful friend for around four years now. The site should still be available, but my new writing will now be available exclusively right here.

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